Tag: God

Reflections on ‘The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill’ Podcast: A Short Review

The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill—this is the story we need right now.  This podcast is a long, hard look in the mirror for much of the church in America today. It’s an incredibly well produced, thorough exploration of not just the Mars Hill story with Mark Driscoll, but also the narratives that have …

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A Basic Lesson in Dealing with Long-Held Bad Beliefs

“Longevity of bad belief doesn’t make it ‘wisdom.’ It just makes it harder to correct and change.” One of the most often repeated phrases I hear to justify or dismiss poor thinking or bad behavior is “that’s just how I was raised” or “that’s what I’ve/we’ve always done or what I’ve always thought.” That’s unacceptable, …

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Remember to Look Up

There is something about adulthood and the rhythms of everyday life that conditions us to constantly have our gaze fixed at eye level and falsely believe that it is somehow productive. The world calls this eye-level, self-obsession “wisdom.” I remember about seven years ago, when I was first married and working a job that was …

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Healthy Goal Setting for 2020

1. Make your goals measurable. 2. Make your goals attainable. 3. Be kind to yourself in how and why you set them. Don’t let your goals and resolutions for the new year be derailed by being overly ambitious, vague and immeasurable, or unkind to yourself in the place in your heart that they come from. …

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Does Your Desire for Correction Outweigh Your Compassion?

Does your desire for correction outweigh your compassion? Does your passion for right belief overpower your ability to simply be present with someone who is in pain and just needs to be listened to? These are sobering questions. A couple of weeks ago, the weight of them really hit me as I listened to one …

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Church, Use Your Words of Influence with Reverence

Sometimes we forget that the purpose of our preaching is simple: to proclaim “Christ and him crucified”—to make God known to people, and to point those people toward Him, not ourselves. We forget that the power of the Gospel rests not in our words but in the Word of God, His story, and in the movement of His Spirit.

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