Healthy Goal Setting for 2020

1. Make your goals measurable.

2. Make your goals attainable.

3. Be kind to yourself in how and why you set them.

Don’t let your goals and resolutions for the new year be derailed by being overly ambitious, vague and immeasurable, or unkind to yourself in the place in your heart that they come from. ⁣

A shocking percentage of goals and resolutions are abandoned within the first month of the new year because of how and why they are created. ⁣

So, as we enter 2020, a great place to start in setting our goals, if we actually hope to accomplish them, is to let them reflect the truth of how God sees us through Christ Jesus.

Christ saw you as worthy of dying for. He loves you and deemed you worthy of His love, not because of what you’ve done but because of His great kindness. ⁣

You are His image bearer. ⁣

If He is kind and loving toward us, direct to us, and clear in His purposes for us and the things He calls us to, why would we be anything less than those things to ourselves, especially in the goals that we set? ⁣

Remember these truths throughout the new year, not just at its beginning. ⁣

Happy New Year!